The most populated Spanish-speaking country in the world is inching towards full cannabis legalization, and US investors are scrambling to take positions.
For years, Mexico has been flirting with all out legalization. In January 2021, the Senate passed a significant piece of legislation opening up medical cannabis for investors and taking bold steps towards full recreational regulation.
Our local team pools over a decade of experience in both cannabis and Public Affairs. With support from our regional HQ in Colombia, we are working with regulators, investors and trade associations to push the sector forward until definitive regulation is published. In the meantime, we are spearheading licensing processes on a surgical manner by applying lessons learned securing licenses in similar scenarios in the region.
Investment Strategy Understand regulation and how to win.
Licensing For cultivation, processing or trading.
Government Relations Align yourself with local/regional interests.
CBD Distribution & Retail Get your products on to local shelves.
Genetics Import, distribute or source seeds locally.
Hemp Sustainability Tap Mexico´s unlimited hemp potential.
Medical Export pharma-grade cannabis up North.
Recreational The world´s largest rec. jurisdiction.

Gerardo Fauchey – Country Director

Performance: Guiding a tissue culure lab's transition into cannabis in Mexico
A local leader in tissue culture seed propagation looking to position itself as a reference in medical cannabis seed production and distribution.
Gov. Affairs
Apply lessons learned in cannabis licensing in other Latin American jurisdictions and our thorough understanding of Public Affairs in Mexico.
Getting the company licensed and operational despite the incomplete and unclear regulatory frameowork.
A clear roadmap defining milestones, key stakeholders, competitive advantages and timeline. Licensing process is underway and looking good.

Insight: Hemp in Mexico: The importance of semantics
Can you imagine how your life would be if you had the same surname of a famous drug lord? For example, every time you would request an administrative procedure, your parent’s name would come to the fore and things would unnecessarily get complicated. It wouldn’t matter if you are a productive citizen, that you hire employees and pay your taxes. No, both would be judged and lumped together. –But we are different persons!- you’d exclaim. Ah, sorry. Both of you have the same surname: cannabis sativa.
These days in Mexico, the Congress has been discussing a bill of law that will regulate the recreational use of cannabis. Everything indicated that finally, after so many years, this April 30 it would be approved, but for the fourth consecutive time it was postponed once more…