Untangle legislation. Unlock opportunity.
In a heavily regulated sector like cannabis, compliance defines success. In nascent markets like Africa or Latin America, agility enables exponential growth.
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Structuring a cannabis import, processing and trade company in Zurich
Learn how we helped a Zurich-based cannabis company raise capital and re-structure into a diversified holding.
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Best practices produce repeatable results.
Getting GMP-certified is one thing; maintaining QA/QC as you scale is another. Are your company’s legal, technical and human resources ready for global competition?
Cannabis investing: Avoid these 5 common pitfalls
Investor´s appetite for the global cannabis industry continues trending up. Applying lessons learned saves time and money.
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Better hemp for a better world
Our research team is pioneering CO2 sequestration methodologies to unleash hemp's potential as a solution to climate change
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The first truly global cannabis & hemp consulting firm.

Our purpose-driven team of lawyers, agronomists, and consultants is setting the industry’s standards for best practices. Get in touch to learn about our long-term approach and how it will impact your cannabis or hemp business.


How land ownership laws impact cannabis investing in Mexico
The particular rural land ownership structure that exists in Mexico is a factor that must be carefully considered regarding the way either psychoactive cannabis or industrial hemp will be cultivated...
Hemp in Mexico: The importance of semantics
Can you imagine how your life would be if you had the same surname of a famous drug lord? For example, every time you would request an administrative procedure, your...
Dried flower exports from Colombia? Prospects for 2021
Since late 2019, numerous representatives of the cannabis industry pointed out that exporting dry cannabis flower represents a major commercial opportunity for Colombia. As of April 2021, the government of...
A sneak peek into Mexico’s upcoming recreational cannabis legislation
México is in the final waiting stages for the Congress to pass the decree that will regulate the cultivation, commercialization and use of cannabis for adult recreational use in the...
Varieties and uses of industrial hemp
Intro: Before launching ourselves to an agricultural project for the production of hemp, the first thing that we will have to think is the purpose of this hemp. Which is...

Performance:Structuring a cannabis import, processing and trade company in Zurich



A Zurich-based cannabis company raising capital and re-structuring into a diversified  holding. 


Smart Capital

Securing added-vaue investment from international group with complementary assets.



Re-design of business units, global integration, and shareholder interest alignment.



Convertible debt goal was oversuscribed by 220% and HoldCo was operational in 90 days.

Who is hiring us?

From Argentina to Zimbabwe. From power points to public listing. We support sustainable growth across the global hemp and cannabis value chains. 

Cannabis Start-Ups

Learn the nuances of the industry and validate your plan with experienced professionals before you deploy resources. 

Publicly-listed corporations

Whether in medical, recreational or industrial,  najskngajl nglalaskdng asldknfgalksdng sadgasd asdgasd asdfs.

Pre-IPO Companies

Understand what institutional investors are looking for in cannabis companies and how to maximize equity value.

Government Agencies

We help regulators understand global cannabis dynamics and apply lessons learned from competing jursidcitions.

The work you want to do. The people you want to work with.

If you are a lawyer, an agronomist, a chemist, an academic or an entrepreneur with international C-Level consulting experience we want to hear from you.

Talk to us.

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